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Qianhai (Laoshan) Branch of Qingdao MSA actively Speeds up the Rectification on the "THREE-No" Ships

   To realize the integration of tourism ferry and promote the development of tourism quality in Qingdao, the Qianhai jurisdiction is a very important point with great significance in the integration of Qingdao's maritime tourism.

   In order to improve the quality of maritime tourism, on November 10th,  Qianhai (Laoshan) branch of Qingdao MSA seriously deployed to carry out the deadline of cleaning up and prohibiting the "three no" ships which refers to no name, no certificate and no port of registry in accordance with the requirements of the relevant announcement.

   On the one hand,Qianhai (Laoshan) branch strengthened the publicity and education of legal announcement to the passenger transport enterprises by Wechat work group,on-site inspections and other ways,emphasized the time nodes of the remedial cleanup action and analyzed the benefits and safety risks of illegal carriage of passengers using the "three no" ships to the person in charge of the enterprise. On the other hand, Qianhai (Laoshan) branch made full use of drone, sea patrol boat and other inspection means in the jurisdictional waters of the moored ships one by one to find the storage location of yachts and the "three no" ships .

   Qianhai (Laoshan) branch will deepen the construction of the "four links" mechanism, and continue to participate deeply in the follow-up joint law enforcement, and do a good job in the joint determination and detention of the "three no" ship.


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