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UAV Techonology Helps the Supervision On Passenger Ships During Summer Vacation In Qianhai (Laoshan) Branch of Qingdao MSA

From July 17th, the law inforcement officers of Qianhai (Laoshan) branch of Qingdao MSA remotely checked the number of passengers reported by the newly docked tourist ship “Lan Hai Ming Zhu”by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV for short). According to the real-time screen feedback of the UAV, “Lan Hai Ming Zhu” actually carried 268 passengers,which was consistent with the number reported before departure.

With the opening of the Qingdao International Beer Festival, the number of coastal tourists is rising. Qianhai(Laoshan) branch combined the use of UAV for on-site supervision with the actual supervision as UAV has a high degree of mobility and flexibility equipped with high-definition cameras, which can reach the angle of rapid image acquisition and forensics that cannot be reached by manpower, and realize long-distance supervison of passenger ships in the area,thereby improving the coverage and depth of supervison.

At present, the use of UAV techonology to assist the on-site supervison of passenger ships has become one of the important regulatory means of Qianhai(Laoshan) branch.

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