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Maritime News
Qingdao MRCC Rescued an Injured Fishing Boat Crew Successfully

At 0850 on March 19 , Qingdao Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) received an alarm from 12395 that a fisherman with abdominal injury requested help who was in serious situation .

Qingdao MRCC started the emergency plan immediately and carried out rescue assistance. On one hand, Qingdao MRCC contact the North Sea Rescue Bureau to send helicopters to the rescue, on the other hand,they coordinated Weihai MRCC to sent doctors with the ambulance waiting in the designated location. During this period,Qingdao MRCC  maintained effective contact with the fishing boat, guided the crew to take appropriate first aid measures, and required the ship to report the position in time in order to reach the helicopter rendezvous  as soon as possible.

At 1137,the injured fisherman was transferred to the ambulancesafely and sent to the hospital for treatment with efficient multi-cooperation.

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