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Maritime News
The 2nd China-ROK Maritime Search and Rescue Joint Communication Exercise of 2023 Successfully Held

On the afternoon of June 15, Shandong Maritime Search and Rescue Center and South Korea's Seohae Local Marine Police Agency carried out the second China-ROK Maritime Search and Rescue Joint Communication Exercise of 2023.

The exercise adopts an unscripted mode. There were no rehearsals or simulated scenarios in advance. The officers communicated over the telephone, in English. During the exercise, the Chinese and South Korean sides issued alarm alternately, and the search and rescue coordinators of the two sides respectively simulated the ship in distress, the ship company, the search and rescue center and other different roles to carry out search and rescue communication exercises in different simulated scenarios. The exercise focused on receiving alarm information, verifying and handling dangerous situations, and joint search and rescue, lasting for about 1 hour.

After the exercise, the two sides communicated and shared key information such as simulated danger scenarios and emergency response procedures. They exchanged relevant opinions on improving the exercise as well. The exercise tested the ability of Shandong Maritime Search and Rescue Center to deal with foreign maritime emergencies.

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