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Maritime News
Qianhai(Laoshan) Branch of Qingdao MSA won praise for taking initiative to serve the people

      On the morning of February 4, Qianhai (Laoshan) Branch received a silk banner from two administrative counterparts, who thanked the law enforcement personnel sincerely.

      The yacht "Min xx" was suspected of the case of "where a vessel sailing on domestic routes enters or exits a port without reporting to the maritime safety administration according to the law". During the investigation of the case, the parties who were lack of clear understanding of their violation held much resistance against law enforcement. In order to improve law enforcement efficiency and defuse the situation, the law enforcement personnel tempered force with mercy and explained the articles patiently in the whole process, which led to the administrative penalty fulfilled successfully. On the one hand, acting in obedience to the law, the law enforcement personnel took the reasoning of penalty process as emphasis through the extensive use of persuasion and education, demonstration and clarification, warning and advising. On the other hand, the law enforcement personnel understood the economic pressure of the parities, and then made the first move to coordinate the club to lift the yacht up the shore to store it, which is expected to save nearly 10,000 yuan. It also  gained understanding, compliance and appreciation from the administrative counterparts, and achieved a good demonstration effect and positive social response.

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